'Twas the Wild News Wednesday Before Christmas - 12/18/19

If you are reading this, not only did you survive Friday, December 13th, but you are also already halfway through this week. Nice work!

With the holidays imminent, ‘tis the season for new ideas! Check out some of the fabulous, wonderful, and wild from the world around us, and let the inspiration fly!

Cloud Appreciation Society

There is such purity in the fact that a cloud appreciation society exists, and how beautiful are these pictures?! I think this needs to be a MC’s hobby somewhere. Or perhaps a secret society? What a cover story!

Drops of Jupiter

I don’t know if we’ll see humans living on other planets in our lifetime, but with each new discovery, we take one step closer! With Juno still on its mission, new knowledge of Jupiter and its atmosphere is at our fingertips. After learning about the cyclones the size of Texas, I’m now hoping for a natural disaster alien planet story. No rules, no limits!

Get Paid to Be A Kid

There is a strong lesson to be learned by looking at the top earners on YouTube. Are they streamers showing how to sew a button, change a tire, cook a meal — how to adult? Nope. They are videos on how to kid. Specifically, how to play with toys and video games. Streamers are the new TV, so I’m intrigued to see how these start to pop up in stories, or possibly star in them.

Keys To Success

The best stories show a main character pushing to achieve their dreams, no matter the obstacles. This young man wanted to learn to play the piano so badly that he taught himself on a piece of paper because his family didn’t have the funds to access a real instrument.

My “I’m tired and Supernatural is on” excuse seems so ineffective now…

Holiday Cheer

For those of you writing holiday themed stories, check out this list of states with the most holiday cheer. Discover a new setting and possibly a new vacation spot! (Although, I would not recommend Ohio in December —- brrrrr!)


Book Review - Baiting Him by Aurora Rose Reynolds


Wild News Wednesday - 12/4/19