Reading Outside Your Genre
Last week, we talked about reading comparable titles – what that means and why.
But something that doesn’t get talked about much, but is arguably almost as vital, is reading outside your genre.
I know what you’re thinking – Susan, you just went on a rant last week about how important it is to read in my genre, read comps, and learn from them. And now you’re telling me to do the opposite?
Yes, yes, I am. Book research, market research, like everything in writing and publishing, is about balance.
It is key to know what is going on in your genre. No question.
But if you stop there, you’re going to have tunnel vision—only seeing what is right in front of you. And that can hurt your career almost as much as not knowing your comparable titles.
So let’s talk about how reading a wide variety can make you an even better genre author (whatever genre that may be).