Renew Your Why – Halfway through 2023!

Happy July, authors and friends! I can’t believe we’re already halfway through 2023. It is flying by.

Normally when we hit the half year mark, I put out a video about reviewing and revising your goals, not only to reflect any changes in your life and/or focus, but to help you keep on track for an amazing, productive year!

And, to be clear, I still highly recommend you do that. If you’re new here, check out the link here. But for those of you that follow this channel, that has all been said and done.

So this week, in honor of already hitting July, we’re going to shift our focus a bit from reviewing and revising goals, to renewing your “Why.”

In trying to plan out your book, publishing journey, writing life, or just life in general, the main focus is usually goals. What do you want to get done, how, and by when.

But something that is generally overlooked is reviewing and renewing the “why” behind your goals.

You’ve picked out what you want to get done by December 31st , but what is the reasoning? Your push? Your motivation?

Most of your goals are most likely about writing or finishing a book. Which is an amazing goal. And a big goal. But it can be daunting, especially once the newness of the goal or the book idea wears off.

So the biggest thing you want to keep in mind is why you want to do it. What is driving you to write a book? Why that story?

Is it still the same as when you created the goal at the beginning of the year? Have your priorities shifted or changed? What is motivating you now, keeping you working towards that goal?

If you find yourself waning in your goals or getting burned out, it might be time to revisit your “why.”

So here are some questions to get you started:

  • What inspired you to create this goal in the first place?

  • Why do you want to achieve this now?

  • What about this goal brings you joy?

  • How are you growing because of this goal?

  • What does achieving this goal mean to you? How will it change your life?

Work your way through these questions and see if your answers renew your excitement and your faith in your plan. If not, maybe you need to consider new goals or shifting those goals to bring new life into them.

One of the biggest things I tell my authors when writing is that if you aren’t excited about the character, plot, writing, etc… then your readers most likely won’t be either. Your passion comes through what you are working on, and can be felt through the page.

And the same goes for your goals. So make sure you find that why, and put reminders of it everywhere to keep you motivated and on track throughout the rest of 2023!

I hope this has been helpful. If you have questions about publishing or the writing journey, I’d love to hear from you. Comment below!

Don’t forget to like and subscribe; it really helps the channel.

And until next week, keep writing!


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